Components of Safe Positioning for the Newborn While Enjoying Skin to Skin
Components of Safe Positioning for the Newborn While Skin to Skin
1. Infant's face can be seen
2. Infant's head is in "sniffing" position
3. Infant's nose and mouth are not covered
4. Infant's head is turned to one side.
5. Infant's neck is straight, not bent
6. Infant's shoulders and chest face mother
7. Infant's legs are flexed.
8. Infant's back is covered with blankets
9. Mother -infant (sic) is monitored continuously by staff in the delivery environment and regularly on the postpartum unit
10. When mother wants to sleep, infant is placed in bassinet or with another support person who is awake and alert.
Crowe, Susan D, and Lauren E Hanley. “Optimizing Support for Breastfeeding as Part of Obstetric Practice.” ACOG Committee Opinion, vol. 132, no. 4, Oct. 2018, pp. e187–e196., doi:10.32388/3hgbar.